Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It Starts With a Choice

Daniel had a choice… he could eat the king’s royal food which would please King Nebuchadnezzar or decide he would not defile himself in that way and please the King of Kings. He could face certain death from the earthly king he could see or honor the Heavenly King he could not see. Daniel could take an earthly reward of immediate satisfaction or invest in a heavenly reward of eternal life. What would he choose? Daniel 1:8 tells us he chose the King of Kings and immediately following that choice, in Daniel 1:9, God shows up! Daniel chooses and “Now God”! God protects Daniel from King Nebuchadnezzar and uses Daniel to glorify Himself. I just love that! It starts with a choice, our choice, and “Now God”.

Daniel 1:15 reveals that Daniel’s godly diet made him look healthier than those eating the royal food. People could tell Daniel was different. When we choose the ways of the Lord, He will show up and help us succeed in order to bring glory to Him! Paul encourages us in Philippians 2:13 with these words: “God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him”. I don’t know about you, but I have to let out a sigh of relief with that one! Only God's power can keep me from the comfort foods I so enjoy and kick me out on the running trails! The choice isn’t always easy but God wants us to choose Him so He works within us, giving us a desire to please Him.

And now, our choice... We can choose to glorify God with our bodies or indulge in the royal feast. We can choose the calorie rich foods and the comfortable couch or the Bread of Life and the path less traveled. I want my choice to be followed with “Now God” just like Daniel! How about you?

Lord, I choose you. I choose the Bread of Life and the path less traveled. Help me walk in Your ways. Give me the wisdom to choose foods that are worthy of Your temple and that will ultimately glorify You. Lord, work within me and give me a deep rooted desire to obey you and the power to do what pleases you. Amen.

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