Thursday, February 25, 2010

Benefits of Eating God's Way

It’s been a little over a month since I committed myself to a more nutritional diet. And when I say diet, I don’t mean a crash diet to reach a number on the scale or a certain size dress or in hopes to put on a bikini this summer (my kids ensured I would never wear a bikini again!). I mean a lifestyle committed to my God and His temple that was fearfully and wonderfully made. So my general rules are to eat whole foods or minimally processed foods, as well as eliminate certain other foods as follows:

:: No red meat, pork, or shellfish
:: No hydrogenated oils
:: No gluten
:: Limited dairy
:: No white sugar (although I do put a bit of raw sugar in my coffee in the morning –does that count? I don’t know.)

So what have I noticed in the last month?

First and foremost, more energy! Before my new eating habits, I drank coffee all day long, and not because I necessarily enjoyed it but because I felt like I needed it to get through the next hour. Now I barely drink a cup in the morning.

As a direct result from more energy is more productivity. I have actually stayed caught up on household chores in the midst of a busy time of year with my side business as a CPA. The fridge has stayed stocked, menu planning has been more successful and my house is more organized… so far anyway.

I’ve noticed other things as well. Like I went out and ran a 5k without training and posted a time akin to my pre-pregnancy splits. My skin is clearer, more radiant. (This according to my husband who barely notices when I get my hair cut!) My body feels good, like it is in synch, and I’ve dropped at least a size, if not 2. I don’t feel bogged down, which I believe is a direct result of purging gluten from my diet. My head is clear, focused. My mood is more stable. I feel like I am a better wife and better mother because I’m taking care of myself which allows me to take care of my family.

But above all, I am closer to my God. I have had to rely on Him every step of this journey. There have been so many times the scent of foods I once devoured have been overwhelming and it was His strength that kept me from them. Believe you me! This post is not to boast in my own strength! This well-fed, wife of a chef, girl with southern roots is WEAK and could not under any circumstances make these sacrifices without some serious Divine Intervention!

And notice something? I haven’t even integrated a real exercise routine yet! That’s when the real toxin flushing begins! This was just about prepping my body to start training for the Bolder Boulder again. Oh, have I learned the importance of nutrition! Even when I ran 30+ miles a week, I figured I could eat whatever I wanted because I was working out so much. But does that amount of exercise make a body healthier? Not necessarily. You can run until Jesus returns, but if you are putting garbage in, you will eventually get garbage out – cancer, heart disease, diabetes. Oh, the hours I wasted at the gym and on the trails because I didn’t start with the proper nutrition!

Lord, please help us all choose the right foods for Your temple. Please give us the wisdom and discernment to know what is from You and what has been altered by man. Our heart’s desire is to glorify You in all we do, starting with Your temple. May you grant us a willing spirit to sustain us and a will power to say no to what we once could only say yes to! It is in the precious and powerful name of Jesus Christ we ask these things. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I too have noticed a huge difference with energy and mood. I've lost a few pounds. I've also learned that there are tons of great foods out there that aren't processed! What a great month! I pray more people will do this diet to understand the benefits.

    Hmmm...for your coffee have you tried other sweeteners, e.g., honey, agave, and/or maple syrup? Probably not the same, but just a thought.
