Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Snake in My Path

I remember a few years back, I was out on a run in the mid-July heat. As I was running, I looked down at my watch to mark my mile split and looked up just in time to see a snake sunbathing on the path a few feet from my next step. Talk about perfect timing! After doing the heebee jeebee dance, I mustered up the courage to jump over it and continue on my way, cursing the snake for costing me at least 30 seconds! (It was a pretty intense heebee jeebee dance.) It amazes me even today that I mustered up the courage to jump over that snake! The path of life has its fair share of snakes crossing, sunbathing, or plain coiled along the way, and I for one don’t want to be staring at a watch just to log a run the next time one comes along. The running should never be the focus!

In my season of life, I don’t know from one day to the next if I’ll be able to get out on the trails. I am on a journey with God and my life is not my own, so sometimes the running trails will have to wait. But every time I slip on my running shoes and strike my feet on the path, I will count it as a blessing and savor each step while thanking Him for the time and ability to meet Him in one of my most favorite places – a place He knew I would love, a place where His voice is clear and His presence is undeniable. And, because this is one of Our places, I know He will move mountains to create the opportunity, so I should leave the watch at home and focus on the “miracle of the moment.”.

I guess all of this is another way to say I’m throwing the weekly training schedules out the window. My new training schedule can be summed up with the brilliant words of Forrest Gump: “I just felt like running.” Yeah, Forrest – I’m pickin’ up what you’re layin’ down!

If something is working for you and you love it, GREAT!! Keep it up! If it's not fun and you're not feeling it, switch it up. I'll still be throwing out ideas, but no more regimens. Get out there when you can, take care of His original workmanship, sign up for the races that sound fun to you or don’t sign up for any and check out the countless running resources available to meet you where you are in your fitness abilities like,, and some listed on this site. Cross train, drink lots of water, and, remember, muscles need a Sabbath, too.

But whatever you do, do it with the guidance of our Savior and let’s catch up as often as we can on the running trails because God gives us Sisters to help us see the snakes in our paths.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together…but let us encourage one another..."- Hebrews 10:24-25a

1 comment:

  1. Ha!! You've summed up my "training schedule" for this year, complete with a good snake story! Thanks, Lisa, for spurring us on in good Temple maintenance!
