Sunday, February 6, 2011

"Let's Start at the Very Beginning...

...a very good place to start. When you read you begin with A, B, C." When you run you begin with "Follow Me".

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." - John 10:27-28

I love the portrait of Jesus in this verse. Gentle, faithful, powerful, mighty, protective, loving - He knows us. All we want in this life is to be known, loved. Here we are given that unfailing promise! He asks only one thing from us - to follow the sound of His voice, to know Him.

He will take care of the wild beasts circling to devour us - whether they be the voices in our heads or the world who tells us we can't because they don't. This walk is against the grain for sure! But we have a Mighty Hand clearing our path - we only need to walk in it, to follow, to know the sound of His voice. Sounds so easy, doesn't it? But we know it isn't and we also know, if we are honest with ourselves, that it starts with us. Our choice... to know. Our choice... to listen. Our choice... to be obedient. Our choice... to choose good foods. Our choice... to get proper rest. Our choice... to put one foot in front of the other. Our choice... to deny ourselves. DAILY.

What is He asking of you? Where is His voice leading you? Are you afraid? Are you weary? Do you think it is impossible? That YOU couldn't possibly run a 10k, that YOU will never feel comfortable in your own skin, that YOU will never run with confidence, no matter your pace. That YOU could never give up those certain foods. Sister, Jesus has ahold of you... take hold of Him! If He is asking you to do this, to be healthy, to take care of His temple, don't you think He will enable you, carry you, love you through every step, every mile?!? He will meet you wherever you are! His scars assure us of that!

You will never see His glory relying on your strength. Jump into His arms and see what finish line He carries you across! My guess is you will never be the same!

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