Sunday, February 28, 2010


In the running world, you hear a lot about pace. In training, they tell you to run at your 5k pace or your ½ marathon pace. In social circles, you hear, “What’s your pace?” And, on race day? Well, you can only imagine. I’m sure even the elite runners have lost sleep, and breakfast, over this word.

I’ve never really liked this word much, though I’ve focused on it plenty. My pace isn’t impressive. I’m a middle of the pack runner, if the race is really big. Any adverse weather conditions only slow me down further and don’t even get me started on humidity. And yet, I used to be so obsessed with pace that I’ve discovered I’m a minute and half faster on my mile split at 2500 feet elevation without humidity when its 50 degrees and the wind is at my back. Well, that’s great but what does that mean? It means that the weather conditions could be perfect, the elevation completely desirable and the Olympics still won’t be calling me. So I’d better be running for the fun of it, and I’d better enjoy it alone as much as with company because I won’t always have someone at my pace to run with.

And, I do enjoy it… alone as much as in a crowd. A moment to steal away with your thoughts, or your iPod, in the midst of your chaotic world is a blessing! A time to be alone with God, no matter your circumstances, is rejuvenating, life-giving. If I have someone to run with, it’s just icing on the cake.

It’s taken me a long time to be okay with who God made me to be. It’s funny to me that I can absolutely adore my God and marvel over His creations like the mountains and the ocean, flowers and rain, yet question His creativity when it comes to me! And this includes my pace as much as my hips and other things He has given me in perplexing proportion! But they are things I cannot change, so I have found embracing them only draws me closer to Him.

And isn’t that what we are after? To be closer to Him? Well run after Him then! Whether you do it at a 12 minute a mile pace or a 6 minute a mile pace, whether you are alone or in a crowd! It’s not about how fast you travel. Stay focused on the destination and enjoy the journey! Start your engine and get on the road!

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