Monday, April 12, 2010

Fasting for Margin

I have been out of sorts the last week or so. Everything feels off. Mood, productivity, quality time with kids (or lack thereof), communication with God. I really blame the Easter candy… damn chocolate! See how my mood is off! Ok, maybe it’s something else…

I find it so hard to find margin in my schedule. You know – space for life! Unscheduled, happy a friend stopped by, hangin' with the family, let’s build a fort, lost in real, live conversation, sit at the feet of Jesus time. You can look at my calendar and think that it is there, but curiously it’s not. Time flies when you’re chasing preschoolers, or teenagers, or grandkids, or whatever you’re chasing in your world. So I’m going to conduct a little experiment. I invite you to join me...

Fasting is taught about in the Bible, both in the Old Testament and by Jesus, and usually involves holding back food. A food fast is its own post entirely, but that’s not the kind of fast for this post. I want to see how much of my time is sucked away by this thin box with a keyboard. While I think I just send an email here or check Facebook there, how much of my time is really spent on this little machine? Is this the robber of my margin? Time will tell! Three days of time to be exact - three days of no email, no internet, no computer power. So if you need something, dear Sisters, call me! ;)

Do you have margin in your life? Do you have suspicions of what robs you of it? I encourage you to pray about it and consider fasting from the alleged culprit for a time to see if it does anything for your pace of life. Are you on American time or God time? A New York minute or a Jesus moment? The difference spans eternity!

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