In this season of my life, with littles running around, tugging at me, using me as a human napkin, asking a million questions a millisecond, and doing their best to challenge my sanity, my “workout program” consists of grabbing what I can when I can (aside from the obstacle courses I’m privileged to endure around my house every day). It’s far less intentional than it used to be… as it should be in this blessed season. I don’t have log books anymore or highlight races I’m training for, and I certainly don’t clock my runs anymore. For me, I can’t do it all so I don’t try – I just try to enjoy the moments I’m given. I mean God gave me these precious littles for such a short time. Running can wait if it needs to. But it doesn’t always need to if I can accept that running in this season may not look the same as previous or upcoming ones. As a mom, I consider it my responsibility to teach my kids about being healthy, taking care of God’s temple. So lately, I’ve been taking them along. Here’s what running looks like for me, in this season.
My daughter is six, and she’s fast… period. When she builds her endurance, I won’t be able to keep up. She loves to run and has been running laps in our house since she was two. When we go outside to play, anywhere, she runs… fast, forever, talking the whole way. My kinda girl! So, she comes on foot. We don’t go for a 3 mile run… we play tag or try to stomp each others shadows. The expert runners call this a fartlek run. (I promise – it has nothing to do with gas.) I love that my daughter has no idea what it means - to her we’re just having the time of our life, together time, outdoor time.
My son is four and isn’t really a runner. He is getting faster but shows no sign of a natural runner’s gait like my daughter. He hasn’t been running since he was two, he’s been riding his bike since then. So, he comes on wheels. And he’s fast, really fast. He can’t go for 3 miles either, but he gives me a good, unofficial pace workout.
Rarely, I go running by myself. Sometimes, I go with you lovely ladies. And often, a little girl is running beside me with a wide grin and a noisy stride while her brother, Ironman, is on wheels ahead of us announcing his intentions to anyone who stands in our way. And you know something? I wouldn’t have it any other way. No race training can compare to this.
Some of you are in the same season I am, and some are in a variety of other seasons. Make it work for you by keeping your season of life in perspective. We’re maintaining His temple, not trying to attain some obscure goal that has no eternal value. There are ways you can participate in your health, even when your season of life does not allow you to hit the trails as often as you’d like. Here are some more ideas for the challenging seasons of life…
All seasons:
:: Proper nutrition.
:: Adequate rest.
:: Water. Water. Water.
:: Simple stretches while you are waiting for the microwave to beep, or your son to get dressed, or your husband to kill the spider, or…
Career-building season:
:: Take an exercise ball to work and use it as a chair. This builds great balance and core muscle strength and creates a great conversation piece that could lead to sharing the Gospel message.
:: Take advantage of conference calls. Unless it’s a video call, stretch, stand up, walk around – this actually helps you remember what was said and sound alert.
:: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Yes! 36 flights if you need to!
:: If you have a gym near your office, pack a lunch and choose to workout at lunchtime and eat (a healthy, nutritious meal) at your desk.
Children too young to participate in activity with you:
:: Strap ‘em in a baby jogger.
:: Go for walks with your littles. Take a different path every time. Children love to explore the outdoors – no matter the temps. So dress for the occasion and get out there. Go for little “hikes”. Pack in a picnic. Collect nature objects. Come home and make a nature book. It won’t even feel like exercise!
:: Gym membership with childcare.
:: Fly a kite – you have to run for it to take off.
:: DVDs for mom while littles are napping – Pilates, yoga, whatever suits your fancy.
:: DVDs for mom using baby.
:: Jump rope, hoola hoop – your kids will love watching mommy do these silly things and they’ll probably want to try. Kids and hoola hoops are hours of entertainment!
:: Dance with your kids
:: Spin your kids
:: Take them “swimming”. Now that’s a workout! If you have more than one that can’t swim, tie noodles around them (or put 'em in a floatie) and they just became your water weights.
:: Start teaching them to play catch or soccer… my kids keep me running all over trying to catch their throws and chase down their kicks.
:: Trade childcare with a friend. You watch her littles while you hit the trails and vice versa.
:: Wake early before hubby leaves for work or go after he gets home – get into a routine, make it a habit, make it your time with God.
Empty-nester season:
:: I gotta be honest here… I have no idea – this is the season I dream about but I know all seasons offer their challenges. Maybe this is an opportunity to reconnect with your spouse out on the trails. Maybe try a new sport or activity together. Or maybe you can stay connected with your children through running/activity.
More ideas? What do you do?
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. (Hebrews 12:1)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Word for words
I used to write New Year’s resolutions. I put words to the change I so desperately wanted to see in my life, in my heart. I made a declaration resolving to transform, to grow, to leave this year better than I entered it. My intentions were noble, maybe even righteous, longing for His beauty in my life. I professed to God all I would do for Him in the coming year. I vowed to be better, be more, serve wholeheartedly. I resolved and expected the birth of Christ-like character in an instant. And usually by now, I failed to realize the change I so passionately longed for and I was discouraged, living defeated, feeling useless. I failed because I tried in my own strength. I relied on my own power. I authored the words of my resolutions in the first place. My words weren’t what He had in mind.
This year, I decided to approach things a little differently. I asked God for words, the Word. He is the only Author worthy of putting words to my transformation, and He promises those words do not come back empty, but will accomplish His desires and achieve His purposes. (Isa 55:11) He knows the Word we need at the moment we need it. The Word that became flesh that is the very breath in our lungs. As we labor, the Word beckons. Rest. Lean in firm. My yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matt 11:30)
Somehow I missed the miracle of my beginning. The scars on His hands existed before my declarations, before my vows, before He started His work in my heart. When I was still His enemy, He hung at Calvary, all for love, to assure me even I am worthy of it. Me. At the beginning of change. Before change at all.
So, this year, I don’t resolve to change. I mean who am I to suggest to the Maker of oceans and skies, rain and mountains, mangos and flowers the things I think need changing. Instead, I resolve only to offer my life and give thanks that I have it to offer. The disciples had five loaves and two fish to feed 5,000 people. In faith, they handed it all over to Jesus and had 12 baskets of leftovers! He is the Supplier who multiplies! If that’s what He can do with some bread and fish, what can He do with a whole life, wholly surrendered?
The gap between us and Christ is a vast canyon that will never be filled this side of Heaven, no matter how hard we labor. And, yet, He still authors a beginning for each of us, not because of what we do but because of who He is. He etches stretch marks of growth deep across our lives, testimony of new life emerging - from the inside out. Evidence of the birthing process, the Christ-child growing within us… over time. His perfect time. With or without our resolutions... because of His Word, not ours.
This year, I decided to approach things a little differently. I asked God for words, the Word. He is the only Author worthy of putting words to my transformation, and He promises those words do not come back empty, but will accomplish His desires and achieve His purposes. (Isa 55:11) He knows the Word we need at the moment we need it. The Word that became flesh that is the very breath in our lungs. As we labor, the Word beckons. Rest. Lean in firm. My yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matt 11:30)
Somehow I missed the miracle of my beginning. The scars on His hands existed before my declarations, before my vows, before He started His work in my heart. When I was still His enemy, He hung at Calvary, all for love, to assure me even I am worthy of it. Me. At the beginning of change. Before change at all.
So, this year, I don’t resolve to change. I mean who am I to suggest to the Maker of oceans and skies, rain and mountains, mangos and flowers the things I think need changing. Instead, I resolve only to offer my life and give thanks that I have it to offer. The disciples had five loaves and two fish to feed 5,000 people. In faith, they handed it all over to Jesus and had 12 baskets of leftovers! He is the Supplier who multiplies! If that’s what He can do with some bread and fish, what can He do with a whole life, wholly surrendered?
The gap between us and Christ is a vast canyon that will never be filled this side of Heaven, no matter how hard we labor. And, yet, He still authors a beginning for each of us, not because of what we do but because of who He is. He etches stretch marks of growth deep across our lives, testimony of new life emerging - from the inside out. Evidence of the birthing process, the Christ-child growing within us… over time. His perfect time. With or without our resolutions... because of His Word, not ours.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
"Let's Start at the Very Beginning...
...a very good place to start. When you read you begin with A, B, C." When you run you begin with "Follow Me".
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." - John 10:27-28
I love the portrait of Jesus in this verse. Gentle, faithful, powerful, mighty, protective, loving - He knows us. All we want in this life is to be known, loved. Here we are given that unfailing promise! He asks only one thing from us - to follow the sound of His voice, to know Him.
He will take care of the wild beasts circling to devour us - whether they be the voices in our heads or the world who tells us we can't because they don't. This walk is against the grain for sure! But we have a Mighty Hand clearing our path - we only need to walk in it, to follow, to know the sound of His voice. Sounds so easy, doesn't it? But we know it isn't and we also know, if we are honest with ourselves, that it starts with us. Our choice... to know. Our choice... to listen. Our choice... to be obedient. Our choice... to choose good foods. Our choice... to get proper rest. Our choice... to put one foot in front of the other. Our choice... to deny ourselves. DAILY.
What is He asking of you? Where is His voice leading you? Are you afraid? Are you weary? Do you think it is impossible? That YOU couldn't possibly run a 10k, that YOU will never feel comfortable in your own skin, that YOU will never run with confidence, no matter your pace. That YOU could never give up those certain foods. Sister, Jesus has ahold of you... take hold of Him! If He is asking you to do this, to be healthy, to take care of His temple, don't you think He will enable you, carry you, love you through every step, every mile?!? He will meet you wherever you are! His scars assure us of that!
You will never see His glory relying on your strength. Jump into His arms and see what finish line He carries you across! My guess is you will never be the same!
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." - John 10:27-28
I love the portrait of Jesus in this verse. Gentle, faithful, powerful, mighty, protective, loving - He knows us. All we want in this life is to be known, loved. Here we are given that unfailing promise! He asks only one thing from us - to follow the sound of His voice, to know Him.
He will take care of the wild beasts circling to devour us - whether they be the voices in our heads or the world who tells us we can't because they don't. This walk is against the grain for sure! But we have a Mighty Hand clearing our path - we only need to walk in it, to follow, to know the sound of His voice. Sounds so easy, doesn't it? But we know it isn't and we also know, if we are honest with ourselves, that it starts with us. Our choice... to know. Our choice... to listen. Our choice... to be obedient. Our choice... to choose good foods. Our choice... to get proper rest. Our choice... to put one foot in front of the other. Our choice... to deny ourselves. DAILY.
What is He asking of you? Where is His voice leading you? Are you afraid? Are you weary? Do you think it is impossible? That YOU couldn't possibly run a 10k, that YOU will never feel comfortable in your own skin, that YOU will never run with confidence, no matter your pace. That YOU could never give up those certain foods. Sister, Jesus has ahold of you... take hold of Him! If He is asking you to do this, to be healthy, to take care of His temple, don't you think He will enable you, carry you, love you through every step, every mile?!? He will meet you wherever you are! His scars assure us of that!
You will never see His glory relying on your strength. Jump into His arms and see what finish line He carries you across! My guess is you will never be the same!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Let's Pray...
Jesus, you know right where we are, what we face, what you are preparing us for, the true condition of our hearts. And as shameful as we could be about it all, we rest in the sufficieny of Your work on the cross. You are an amazing lover of our souls. This side of heaven, we will never comprehend. All we can do is understand we don't fully understand - that the grace and mercy and power that we do see is only the beginning, the very tip of an enormous iceberg. You are greater still!
As we enter into the Sabbath day, we rest in your love, we find contentment knowing you are all we need and that you know all we need. Sometimes, Jesus, we don't even know - but you do - every detail, every heartache, every suffering, every tear, every hair, every breath, every soul, every heart. You know all this and more. So. Much. More.
Lord, we just ask for Your presence in our lives - remove the scales from our eyes so we can see You working all around us! Work in our relationships, bind them in You. Guide our words, Lord, so they give wings to dreams and encourage souls. May we focus on Your people and not our tasks. In Your holy, precious name. Amen.
As we enter into the Sabbath day, we rest in your love, we find contentment knowing you are all we need and that you know all we need. Sometimes, Jesus, we don't even know - but you do - every detail, every heartache, every suffering, every tear, every hair, every breath, every soul, every heart. You know all this and more. So. Much. More.
Lord, we just ask for Your presence in our lives - remove the scales from our eyes so we can see You working all around us! Work in our relationships, bind them in You. Guide our words, Lord, so they give wings to dreams and encourage souls. May we focus on Your people and not our tasks. In Your holy, precious name. Amen.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Happy New Year
As I come out of hibernation, with winter in full force here in the Rocky Mountains, I find many of you motivated and ready to start the New Year off right – with laced up running shoes and eyes fixed on Jesus. Oh, how you beautiful ladies inspire me! I look forward to seeing what God has for each of us as we grab a run here and there together.
If you are finding this cold weather far from motivating, try hot yoga. As you know, I love this practice for its physical benefits – the best hour you can physically invest hands down. It can also be a good mental exercise to drown out the “noise of this world” and actively focus on Jesus. Give it a try. Core Power Yoga here in Parker has hot yoga every Tuesday night at 7:15. Check out their schedule online at Look for the studio nearest you. This is a great way to wake your body up for running after a long period of rest, as well. (Ahem - guilty as charged!)
More posts to come on other ideas for getting started, staying motivated and keeping Christ in the center of it all.
Have a blessed weekend!
If you are finding this cold weather far from motivating, try hot yoga. As you know, I love this practice for its physical benefits – the best hour you can physically invest hands down. It can also be a good mental exercise to drown out the “noise of this world” and actively focus on Jesus. Give it a try. Core Power Yoga here in Parker has hot yoga every Tuesday night at 7:15. Check out their schedule online at Look for the studio nearest you. This is a great way to wake your body up for running after a long period of rest, as well. (Ahem - guilty as charged!)
More posts to come on other ideas for getting started, staying motivated and keeping Christ in the center of it all.
Have a blessed weekend!
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